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Behind you is infinite power!

I am not gonna bore you with yet another old proverb..But I would like to cite a small story ..When I was a kid, I used to run out all excited on hearing the clinging sound of an elephant’s chain.And what more,people say that you will get free periods at school if you get to see an elephant’s tail!So I never missed a chance to see an elephant.The only restriction I had was to never look at its eye.But one fine day,forgetting my mother’s advice ,I looked into it’s eyes.

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The day my life changed

An ordinary girl as I am,I was never satisfied.The more I want,the lesser I try.Wasted time crying over things I don’t have ,counting on the numerous problems I had like obesity,shyness…etc and praying for more blessings.My life was really so lifeless.

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Never Ever Hide Who You Really Are!

PBR&I think it’s pretty natural to be scared of showing yourself. That’s something we are all prone to. We just talk about letting our hair down, removing the veils and the mysteries that we keep locked away.

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The difference between winning and losing is how much you want it. And wanting it bad enough doesn’t mean you’ll automatically make it.The most important part is staying hungry.The people who change the world, they stay hungry. They look at what they want to do, and they look at what they want to change, and they don’t resign themselves, they don’t call it a day. They don’t say they’re satisfied.

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Do You Still Read Paper Books?

The hunger is what drives you. The hunger is what makes you excited to wake up in the morning, and it’s what gives you the power you need to keep gunning for your goals when you take a hit, or you’re reeling from a loss.

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Tea Drinking Tradition in England

Always be focused on beating your own forecasts, your own expectations and your best track time. No one grows by stagnating. If you stand still, you’re only going to spoil, and you’ll never improve.

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Benefits of Being Well-Organized

I don’t think there’s any chance of becoming what you can be if you don’t stay hungry ie pushing the boundaries and striving to be more than you are, more than you ever have been.I know that this sounds a bit too ambitious..To be frank I just stay hungry for more food as of now 😛..But I feel that staying hungry the other way round would be much more beneficial 😉 PBR&B artisan scenester.

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