Behind you is infinite power!

I am not gonna bore you with yet another old proverb..But I would like to cite a small story ..When I was a kid, I used to run out all excited on hearing the clinging sound of an elephant’s chain.And what more,people say that you will get free periods at school if you get to see an elephant’s tail!So I never missed a chance to see an elephant.The only restriction I had was to never look at its eye.But one fine day,forgetting my mother’s advice ,I looked into it’s eyes.

I could see tears rolling down its cheeks.I felt as if it was looking at me yearning for help.I was sure it had some real sad story to share with me.As it passed by, I felt so uncomfortable.What was that story?How cruel was me to have derived happiness from watching an animal’s ill fate?How could I help?? small mind was filled with confusing questions…I managed to get some answers as to how much they suffer under their cruel human guides.But what can I do?I was just a small girl then..

Thinking hard for any powerful person I could approach for help, my small brain couldn’t find anyone who is bigger and stronger than an elephant itself!Now what??Yeah.. “An elephant does not know its power which makes it a slave to its intelligent subordinates!” I understood two important things from this story of mine. “Never get too excited about things and people you don’t understand completely.”There are people who dream to be the next Zuckerberg or Jobs.There are people who want to be damn rich.Such dreams arise out of mere fascination for power in most cases.The first and foremost thing one should do is to understand others’ feelings .Stop for a moment.Look into a person’s eye.You could hear a yet another untold story which would add to your experiments with life.Such stories help you understand people for real.You will come to know their true needs.And what more??..Once you do this, maybe you could bring out the next innovative product loved by all!..Need not necessarily:-)..But this helps a lot.

Here is the second lesson I learned. “You are the only one who could really help you out.”The only thing you need is to believe in the infinite power behind you.Never ever live like the elephant in this story ;-)

About author

I hope you know me by now;-).


Marinella Taranto
28 December 2016
good one!.
Ryan Johnson
26 December 2016
Marinella Taranto
26 December 2016
good work.
Sarah Brown
10 December 2016
such an innocent story.

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